Activities and How to Help
Join Our Growing Community
To deliver on PCSIG’s vision of broad acceptance of patient centric sampling approaches, we are focused on enabling passionate advocates to work together across organisational boundaries to overcome the hurdles to their broader adoption. To accomplish this, PCSIG has put in place digital mechanisms for the community which facilitate communication of relevant information.
PCSIG LinkedIn Group - This is the closed platform through which members of the PCSIG share information with each other, ask for help, etc. This includes sharing publications, webinar events, conferences, requests for information, ideas, surveys, etc. If you would like to join the PCSIG LinkedIn Group, then please follow the link and request to join.
PCSIG LinkedIn Company Page - This is the open platform where we share updates about PCSIG activities, including events, webinars, newsletters, etc. to the broader community beyond the PCSIG LinkedIn Group. Please follow on LinkedIn.

Contribute to Our Thriving Community
Contact Us - If you are interested in finding out more about any of our activities and getting involved, or have suggestions for other activities and webinar themes, then please write to

Patients Advisory Group – Patients are the centre of all we do at PCSIG. To ensure we maintain this focus, we have a group of patients from a variety of geographies and backgrounds who we consult with from time to time. Please let us know if you would like to know more and potentially get involved.
PCSIG Sponsors Advisory Group – The activities of PCSIG are mostly funded by the generosity of our sponsors. We meet with them every 3 months to update them on PCSIG activities and to listen to their concerns and suggestions.
Overcoming the Reluctance to Using PCS Approaches – This team meets once per month and is focussed on how to overcome the barriers for adoption for PCS approaches, wherever they might be used and bring benefit to patients.
PCS for Clinical Trials – This team is focussed on the use of PCS approaches for clinical trials, particularly, multi-site and decentralised trials. The team are currently working on putting in place tools that will help organisations to adopt PCS and meets every month.
PCSIG Diagnostics Working Group - This is a group of professionals involved with diagnostic laboratories and the associated processes, who have a passion for integrating patient centric sampling approaches into their workflows, where they might bring benefit to patients. The team meets every 1-2 months.
Devices Listing - This team have developed and maintain a listing on the PCSIG website of currently available patient centric technologies. The team meets monthly.
PCSIG Webinars Development – This group meets every 3 months to discuss ideas for our monthly webinar programme. We are looking for contributions from all aspects of PCS use and from all angles of those involved (patients, clinicians, analytical scientists, regulators, etc).
PCSIG Website Development - This is our content repository for communicating to the world what our mission and vision is and how we are achieving this. It is also where you can access our webinars and documents. The team responsible for its upkeep meets ca. every 2 weeks.
Keep Informed on Our Impactful Community

PCSIG Webinars - We host numerous webinars during the year, bringing content from experts in the field, covering various aspects of PCS. These include the perspectives of stakeholders, including patients, medical and healthcare professionals, analytical scientists, academics, those running clinical trials, policy makers and regulators. These webinars are free to attend and are permanently available on-demand through our website and the PCSIG YouTube Channel (please subscribe).
Devices Listing – Curated for easy understanding of what technologies are available for PCS, along with a basic outline of their capabilities and a link to the suppliers / manufacturer’s website for further information.
PCSIG Library – This is a collection of content (webinars, manuscripts, podcasts, news articles, etc) that give quick access to information about PCS approaches and how they are being used. We are always looking for new information to share.
PCS for Clinical Trials - This page contains several resources for those wishing to use PCS in clinical trials, particularly multicentre and decentralised clinical trials. This includes links to FDA guidance’s, a document outlining the patient’s perspective, template wording for protocols and laboratory reference manuals, etc.
PCSIG Events - The group occasionally holds in-person events to cover topics that are best covered face-to-face. This includes participation in major meetings to educate key stakeholders on patient centric sampling approaches, and events to map out processes that are of broad interest to the community.
PCSIG Board – Redacted minutes for our meetings are available on request, following review of the request by the PCSIG Board.
PCSIG Sponsors Advisory Group - Redacted minutes for our meetings are available on request, following review of the request by the PCSIG Board and the PCSIG Sponsors.