This page of testimonials outlines the successes that people have had when implementing patient centric sampling approaches

“To me, being chronically ill means that I get overloaded very quickly. I have to pay attention to what I spend my energy on, try saving it for nice things in my life. Being able to have blood sampled at home is so much less tiring than having to go all the way to the hospital.”
16 year old, Netherlands
“This would be fantastic if it really works. I am a little skeptical though. Is this a hoax? I can’t believe it. It would be so great because we cannot use lines to draw from at all. We spend a huge amount of time with phlebotomy issues. It can take nurse and phlebotomist 15-20 minutes”
Paediatric Intensive Care Physician, USA
“I am extremely enthusiastic about it. People get sensitized to all the needle sticks. The painless nature would help them. And some patients are anemic so the small volume of blood would help them.”
Oncologist, USA
“Why do I like it?
1) pain free is important,
2) decrease in blood borne pathogens,
3) no risk of heel infections
4) greatly helps nursing time”

Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse Manager, USA
“It would help for some patients – would not use it for all. It would help with workflow issues if no nurse time needed.”
Pediatrician, USA
“Shortage of phlebotomists is creating a need for this. More docs stopping in-house phlebotomy and making patient go to lab.”
Lab Director, USA
“The concept is extremely useful in terms of office workflow – smoother and quicker for the physician and staff. Also it would save time with the patients.”
Internal Medicine, USA
“I would definitely consider it as long as cost is OK. We are looking for less traumatic things and it would increase patient and parent satisfaction. Improve convenience. It would be good for the office to show we care. It would save us and the parents time.”
Pediatrician, USA
“$3.00 is nothing. A “no brainer”. He thinks it would be reimbursed but even if not, he would use it and absorb cost because it would help with work flow so much. He could also use it as a marketing tool. No doubt it will help with nursing time.
Oncologist, USA
“Yes, we would use it……to do the PT/INR; so this could replace the need for the blood draw. This decision would have to go through our evaluation process.”
Home Care Agency, USA
“There is definitely a place for it that where we would be likely to use this if it’s accurate and cost effective.”
Oncologist, USA
It is “nice to have but may not use it on all routine patients – maybe use on 5-10% of patients. Maybe 2 times per day for POC type finger stick tests.”
Private Internist, USA
“Yes, I would use it – most likely as a STAT test. Currently I test for Glucose and A1c about 15/day, so I would say at least 15 times a day.”
General Practice Physician, USA
“I would use for a lipid panel and sugars – I would use this daily.”
General Practitioner, UK
“If I can collect the blood in the office instead of sending for a venipuncture, then it is more likely that I will do the test in the office.”
Pediatrician, USA
“We would probably use for the routine Hb/lead screens. I am not sure I would use for sick kids because I may have to be drawing blood tube for something anyway –like a blood culture or chemistry plus CB”
Pediatrician, USA
“Unilabs Switzerland has partnered with “the manufacturer” to use their “blood sampling” product……….because it is innovative in allowing true quantitation capability on a dried blood spot. It’s a present and future opportunity to greatly improve patient care and comfort and to broaden our diagnostic offer. The device is precise, convenient, easy to use and is up to the high quality standards we have in place in our labs.”
Scientific Head Diagnostic Laboratory, Switzerland
“We have been using “the blood sampling product” for immunosuppressant monitoring for several years now. It proved to be a reliable tool that significantly improves patient comfort: routine therapeutic monitoring of grafted patients can be done from a few drops of blood. Patients wouldn’t go back to conventional venipuncture.”
Pharmacometrician at University Medical Center, Netherlands
“We have been using “the blood sampling product” over the last year in a variety of tests and always to our full satisfaction. It allows us new possibilities that were unthinkable previously. The time and therefore cost saving it brings to the lab operation is undeniable and most importantly, it does not require extra investments, because it doesn’t disturb the existing and certified workflow.”
Head of Forensic Toxicology, Switzerland
“Dried blood spots technology provides an attractive alternative to conventional venipuncture, the product developed by “the manufacturer” allows us to provide an accurate measure of the drug concentration, the possibility to concomitantly obtain dried plasma spot from this technology will unambiguously push child therapeutic drug monitoring forward.”
Head of Paediatric Onco-Hematology Unit, Switzerland

“Genetic Medico-Diagnostic Laboratory Genica and Genome Centre Bulgaria are among the leading genetic centres in Bulgaria. Most of our samples are not taken in our lab, but they are transported to us from different country territory as well as from abroad. Compared to the traditional blood collection process, …….micro sampling offers an efficient, faster, significantly cheaper, and safe sampling. It is highly suitable for transportation, storage and processing.”